Wear A Mask To Help Prevent The Spread of Coronavirus

Even with a serious uptick in coronavirus cases across the world, some people just refuse to wear a mask and I will never understand why. Of course there are exceptions if you have a medical condition or for other health reasons.

But according to the Centers For Disease Control, people who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic can prevent potential transmission of the virus to others by wearing a face covering.

The smallest droplet can come from a person's nose or mouth and infect someone else - that's how contagious coronavirus is. So please always wear a mask and make sure it covers both your nose and mouth, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and stay at least six feet apart from others.

There are masks for everyone's style -- plain, decorated, various patterns -- whatever you desire, there is a mask for you! And they come in any color you can imagine, too. So please, wear a mask at all times when in public, it could save someone's life, even your own.

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