Many Americans Are Just Plain Tired

Many Americans are feeling the stress of not only a global pandemic, but the uncertainty of knowing who will lead the country next.

With today being Election Day, many people had to stand in long lines in chilly temperatures to cast their vote. Others may have waited in long for hours only to find out they didn't have the proper ID or necessary information to vote.

And then there is the general stress of living in a pandemic where you have to constantly be aware of social distancing and wear a face covering. To some it's second nature, but to others it can really be a challenging time. Pile all that on top of the holidays being just weeks away, a time when many suffer from depression.

If you know of someone who is not acting normal or saying and doing things that are not characteristic, please make sure you communicate with them and offer professional help if necessary. We all could use a break I'm sure, and hopefully we will find a vaccine soon and also get the results of today's election in a timely manner.

It's definitely time for change on so many levels.

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