Random Fact: Brain Is A Delicacy, Yes People Eat Brain

This may sound super gross but people actually eat brain. And did you know that brain is a delicacy in some parts of the world? Believe it or not, as ugly as it looks, the brain can serve as nourishment. But don't think you can eat just any brain, brain that is consumable comes from chickens, fish, horses, rabbits, pigs, squirrels, monkeys, lamb and goats. Yuk. Just yuk.

Cuisines from French, Muslim, Turkish, Chinese and other cultures include brain cooked in various ways including curry, barbecue, hot and spicy, fried, or brain that is served as gravy. With all due respect to different cultures, this is one of the reasons why I am particular about what I eat when I travel across the globe. You never know, you may think you're eating a delicious pasta and find out somebody chopped up some brain on you.

And just for the record, consumption of human brain can be fatal.

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